The Red Fort in Delhi, India. Built of red sandstone, it was the abode of Mughal emperors for centuries. |
All in all, it was one of those out-of-the-way places, largely unknown to most travelers, that I happened to stumble upon.
"Within the temple premises is a bird hospital"??? |
In front of the temple. |
Within the temple complex -- the bird hospital. |
The temple complex itself was of the Jain religion. Of the other dominant religions on the Indian subcontinent -- Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism -- Jainism is arguably the least known, at least in the West.
While similar to the others in some ways, Jainism is famed for non-violence. Mahatma Gandhi's mother was a Jain and, according to various sources anyhow, she instilled into him the pacifism for which he became so renowned.
To other peoples' way of thinking though, Jainism means fanatical non-violence, not killing anything. Many Jains will not eat root vegetables, for instance, because if you pull out a turninp or carrot or potato you kill the plant in the process. Some of the the temple dining halls even post signs: "Serve No Root Vegetables."
Jain Temple in the mountains near Ranakpur, which I visited during my 2019 trip to India. |
For special ceremonies, such as one I witnessed at the temple above a few years ago, disciples with brooms sweep the path before a procession passes so as not to have any insects trampled. Even more extreme, to my way of thinking anyhow, some monks wear little or no clothes because harvesting fabrics entails the killing of living things -- plants, that is. And so on and so on.
Along these lines, birds and the protecting of birds have assumed a special place in Jainism, and are prominent in their rites and literature. Thus the motivation behind Charity Birds Hospital in Delhi.
The entrance. |
Hospital mission statement. |
Attendant and medical array awating the next feathered patient. |
The next patient -- woman with a sick rooster. |
Here I take the opportunity to inject a few thoughts about swastikas, of all things; the age-old symbol long used by Jains, Hindus and others.
Adolf Hitler and the Nazis did more than wreak death and destruction back in the l930s and 40s, they commandeered this revered and beloved symbol. Not just for centuries, but for thousands of years it had been used as an expresssion of good luck and good will. According to one interpetation, the four sides represent an inviting together of the four dimensions of existence for a richer and more fulfilling life.
In general, whatever meaning (other than Nazi) that you look at will present the swastika as emanating the living of a good and balanced life. For millenia then, humanity benefited from its use in this manner.
Unfortunately for recent generations, now it's considered a symbol of racism or hate in the Western world and it doesn't appear that that's going to change any time soon. For the Jains and others, however, it retains its traditional meanings as the photo below shows.
Another statement of purpose at Charity Bird. Note pigeon reference. |
And it wasn't only pigeons and roosters that I saw there. In cages, post-treatment, were peacocks (the national bird of India), parrots, various cuckoos, numerous types of songbirds, crows, ravens and more. They take in them all at Charity Bird.
Admitted birds, usually twenty to thirty a day, are bathed, given food, vitamins and appropriate medical care, and eventually taken up to the roof and released. Be advised though, if you ever tour the place, it can be rather dank and smelly. Think in terms of a bird barn or stable and you get the idea.
Oh, and regarding that pigeon the woman paraded in with, the one that caught my attention in the first place? As soon as it arrived inside, the crack medical staff sprang into action. The busted up leg was tended to and the result is shown below -- patient # 164, with a splint or bands of some kind on its leg.
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